Documentation for Shorthand Notation

Shorthand Notation



Capture(std::string const & name)
Explicit creation using string name constructor.
IOperandPrototypePtr operator=(IOperandPrototypePtr const & other)
template <typename... Args>
call(std::string const & name, Args... args)
IOperandPrototypePtr unnamedInvoke()
Matches a invoke instruction.
template <typename... Args>
phi(Args... args)
Matches a phi node with N arguments.
IOperandPrototypePtr callByNameOnly(std::string const & name)
IOperandPrototypePtr bitCast(IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg)
Matches the llvm::BitCast instructruction.
IOperandPrototypePtr intToPtr(IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg)
Matches the llvm::IntToPtr instructruction.
IOperandPrototypePtr constInt()
Matches the llvm::ConstantInt instructruction.
IOperandPrototypePtr branch(IOperandPrototypePtr const & cond, IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg1, IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg2)
Matches a branch instruction given a condition and two arguments.
IOperandPrototypePtr switchOp(IOperandPrototypePtr const & cond, IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg1, IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg2)
IOperandPrototypePtr select(IOperandPrototypePtr const & cond, IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg1, IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg2)
Matches a select instruction given a condition and two arguments.
IOperandPrototypePtr load(IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg)
Matches a load instruction with one argument.
IOperandPrototypePtr zExt(IOperandPrototypePtr const & value)
Matches a ZExt instruction with one argument.
IOperandPrototypePtr store(IOperandPrototypePtr const & target, IOperandPrototypePtr const & value)
IOperandPrototypePtr basicBlock()
Matches a load instruction with one argument.
ReplacerFunction deleteInstruction()
ReplacerFunction deleteUnusedInstruction()
Deletes an instruction if it is unused.
Capture operator""_cap(char const * name, std::size_t )


std::shared_ptr< AnyPattern > const _

Detailed Description

Shorthand notations are made to make it possible to match patterns in the QIR. This part of the library focuses on making it easy to express advance patterns in just a few lines and specify what parts of the IR is of interest to the replacer function. An example is following pattern

auto get_one = call("__quantum__rt__result_get_one");
    {branch("cond"_cap = call("__quantum__rt__result_equal", "result"_cap = _, "one"_cap =
    get_one), _, _),

which matches IRs of the form

%1 = call %Result* @__quantum__rt__result_get_one()
%2 = call i1 @__quantum__rt__result_equal(%Result* %0, %Result* %1)
br i1 %2, label %then0__1, label %continue__1

The pattern futher specifies that as a successful match is obtained, a table capturing certain values must be created. In the above example, the table would contain three entries: cond, result and one each of which would point to a a llvm::Value* in the QIR. This allows the replacement function to easily manipulate the DAG in these three places (four if you include the main captured value which is always passed to the replacement function).

The module further has shorthand notation for often encountered patterns such as any operand.

The module also implements shorthand notation for common replacers.

Literals which ease the burned of capturing values and increase readibility of the code.

Functions Documentation

function Capture

explicit Capture(
    std::string const & name

Explicit creation using string name constructor.

function operator=

IOperandPrototypePtr operator=(
    IOperandPrototypePtr const & other

function call

template <typename... Args>
IOperandPrototypePtr call(
    std::string const & name,
    Args... args

Shorthand notations are made to make it possible to match patterns in the QIR. This part of the library focuses on making it easy to express advance patterns in just a few lines and specify what parts of the IR is of interest to the replacer function. An example is following pattern

auto get_one = call("__quantum__rt__result_get_one");
    {branch("cond"_cap = call("__quantum__rt__result_equal", "result"_cap = _, "one"_cap =
    get_one), _, _),

which matches IRs of the form

%1 = call %Result* @__quantum__rt__result_get_one()
%2 = call i1 @__quantum__rt__result_equal(%Result* %0, %Result* %1)
br i1 %2, label %then0__1, label %continue__1

The pattern futher specifies that as a successful match is obtained, a table capturing certain values must be created. In the above example, the table would contain three entries: cond, result and one each of which would point to a a llvm::Value* in the QIR. This allows the replacement function to easily manipulate the DAG in these three places (four if you include the main captured value which is always passed to the replacement function). Shorthand notation to match an instruction for a function call. The resulting IOperandPrototype matches a function call with arguments as specified by the arguments given. For instance,

addRule({call("foo", _, _), deleteInstruction()});

matches a call to the function foo with exactly two arguments.

Shorthand notation to match an instruction for a function call. The resulting IOperandPrototype matches a function call with arguments as specified by the arguments given. For instance,

addRule({call("foo", _, _), deleteInstruction()});

matches a call to the function foo with exactly two arguments.

function unnamedInvoke

IOperandPrototypePtr unnamedInvoke()

Matches a invoke instruction.

function phi

template <typename... Args>
IOperandPrototypePtr phi(
    Args... args

Matches a phi node with N arguments.

function callByNameOnly

IOperandPrototypePtr callByNameOnly(
    std::string const & name

Shorthand notation to match an instruction with a specified name. Unlike call, this pattern matches by name only and ignore the arguments.

addRule({callByNameOnly("foo"), deleteInstruction()});

matches calls to the function foo regardless of the number of arguments.

function bitCast

IOperandPrototypePtr bitCast(
    IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg

Matches the llvm::BitCast instructruction.

function intToPtr

IOperandPrototypePtr intToPtr(
    IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg

Matches the llvm::IntToPtr instructruction.

function constInt

IOperandPrototypePtr constInt()

Matches the llvm::ConstantInt instructruction.

function branch

IOperandPrototypePtr branch(
    IOperandPrototypePtr const & cond,
    IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg1,
    IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg2

Matches a branch instruction given a condition and two arguments.

function switchOp

IOperandPrototypePtr switchOp(
    IOperandPrototypePtr const & cond,
    IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg1,
    IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg2

function select

IOperandPrototypePtr select(
    IOperandPrototypePtr const & cond,
    IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg1,
    IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg2

Matches a select instruction given a condition and two arguments.

function load

IOperandPrototypePtr load(
    IOperandPrototypePtr const & arg

Matches a load instruction with one argument.

function zExt

IOperandPrototypePtr zExt(
    IOperandPrototypePtr const & value

Matches a ZExt instruction with one argument.

function store

IOperandPrototypePtr store(
    IOperandPrototypePtr const & target,
    IOperandPrototypePtr const & value

Matches a store instruction with a target and a value.

addRule({store("target"_cap = _, "value"_cap = _), replaceConstExpr});

where we want to match all store instructions and do not really care about how the target or value came about. In this case, we may want to capture the values to, for instance, make assignment at compile time.

function basicBlock

IOperandPrototypePtr basicBlock()

Matches a load instruction with one argument.

function deleteInstruction

ReplacerFunction deleteInstruction()

Shorthand notation to delete an instruction. If passed as the replacement function, this function generates a replacer that deletes the instruction. This is a shorthand notation for deleting an instruction that can be used with a custom rule when building a ruleset. This function can be used with shorthand notation for patterns as follows:

addRule({callByNameOnly(name), deleteInstruction()});

to delete the instructions that calls functions with the name name.

function deleteUnusedInstruction

ReplacerFunction deleteUnusedInstruction()

Deletes an instruction if it is unused.

function operator""_cap

Capture operator""_cap(
    char const * name,

Literal for specifying the capture of a llvm::Value*. This literal calls the IOperandPrototype::enableCapture through the assignment of a IOperandPrototypePtr to the class Capture.

As an example, one may want to match the pattern foo(bar(baz(x)), y) and extract the variable x to add meta data to it. The corresponding IR could look like:

%1 = call %Type* @baz(%Type* %0)
%2 = call %Type* @bar(%Type* %1)
call void @foo(%Type* %2, %Type* %3)

To match this pattern, one would create the pattern call("foo", call("bar", call("baz", "x"_cap = _)), _). This pattern would ensure that at the time where the replacer function is called, the value stored in %0 is captured under the name x.

Attributes Documentation

variable _

static std::shared_ptr< AnyPattern > const _ = std::make_shared<AnyPattern>();

Shorthand notation for a wildcard which matches anything. This value is useful when for instance capturing the arguments of a function call where the origin of the value does not matter to the pattern.

Updated on 1 August 2023 at 16:25:10 UTC