Quick start Building with CMake

Building with CMake


It is necessary for you to have the following tools before you get started on making a new build from this project:

  • C++ compiler (Clang 14 or MSVC)
  • CMake
  • LLVM 14

If you are compiling and using the command-line tool, these are necessary tools regardless of whether you plan to develop the library itself. The build configuration is handled by CMake, which informs you if a compiler needs to be installed.

On all systems, you will additionally need to check the submodules out. From the root of the repository, run

git submodule update --init --recursive

Prerequisites on Windows

Currently CMake builds are not supported on Windows using PowerShell. Building with CMake on Windows Subsystem for Linux follows the steps outlined for Ubuntu. It is possible to build QAT on Windows Linux Subsystem. Please refer to the Linux build instructions.

Prerequisites on macOS

Those using macOS can install CMake and LLVM 14 through the use of a command-line tool called brew, as follows:

brew install cmake llvm@14

It should not be necessary to install anything else on top of macOS, since the compiler comes preinstalled.

Prerequisites on Ubuntu 20.04

Additionally to CMake, you will also require Clang in order to build on Ubuntu 20.04. You can accomplish this by following the steps below:

wget -O - https://apt.llvm.org/llvm.sh | bash -s 14
apt install cmake

Prerequisites on Ubuntu 22.04

On Ubuntu 22.04, you may need to remove llvm-13/llvm-12. If you prefer minimal change to your machines configuration, we recommend building with Bazel.

To prepare your system with the relevant build tools, install clang, cmake and llvm

apt install -y clang-14 cmake llvm-14

Building QAT using CMake

Once LLVM is installed and you have checkout the submodules, create a build folder. We suggest you use either Debug or Release to indicate what kind of build you wish to perform:

mkdir [Debug/Release]
cd [Debug/Release]

Next, initiate the build directory by running

cmake ..

and finally, build using make

make qat

Once qat is compiled, you find it in the folder qir/qat/Apps/.