Quick start Quick start

Quick start

This document will guide you through all the requirements and steps that you need to follow to build the QIR adaptor tool (QAT). QAT can be built either using Bazel or CMake. In the following two sections, we discuss how to build QAT using either of these tools. Building on Windows is currently only supported using Bazel. The detailed description of building with Bazel outlines how to install bazelisk and discusses configuration flags. If you already have bazelisk installed, simply run

bazelisk build //qir/qat:qat --config [compiler] --config release

to build qat where compiler should be substituted with clang on Linux and macOS, and msvc on Windows. If you prefer CMake, please see the detailed instructions here.

Supported systems

In the table below, we summarize the systems currently supported.

Operating system Architecture Version Bazel CMake Notes
Windows x86_64, Arm 2019 Yes No Docker images through Bazel are not supported
Ubuntu x86_64, Arm 22.04 Yes Yes
x86_64, Arm 24.04 Yes Yes
macOS x86_64, Arm Yes Yes Some tests fail on Arm due to issues in Bazel configuration of LLVM

At the moment, we support clang and msvc to compile QAT. While gcc might work, it is untested and not supported at the moment.

Additionally, the QAT supports experimental cross-compilation for Linux and macOS. This is useful in order to create Docker images with x86 architecture on arm platforms.