How does this book build?#

This book uses the Jupyter Book toolchain to build the prose and run the code contained in the sample notebooks. The code is run in notebooks with a variety of kernels to provide a variety of environments for running code. There is a [docker container] specified that is fully setup to build the book.

Jupyter Book#

Helpful links:

Special formatting used in this book:

  • ```{term}`Interoperability```` to link a term back to the glossary

Docker environment#


Building the book#

To build the docs locally:

  1. Create a python environment with either the conda environment.yml or the requirements.txt.

  2. Run jupyter-book build ./qir-book from the root of the project and it should run the notebooks and build the html version of the book that you can view from ./qir-book/_build/html/index.html.